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Michaël Boutriaux: full speed ahead for the Belgian Beers Race

Michaël Boutriaux talks about the Belgian Beers Race, and plans for other similar riffs on the theme in other countries now the board game has launched on the market.

Brussels Beer Project: the playground just got bigger

At Wanderlust 2021, Brussels Beer Project co-founder Sébastien Morvan talked with the Beer Idiots about the brewery's new, larger installation in Anderlecht and their plans for the future.

Wanderlust 2021

Beautiful Idiots at Wanderlust 2021, which was held 11-12 September 2021.

Schneeeule: the real Berliner Weisse

What is the real Berliner Weisse? Ulrike Genz of Schneeeule Brauerei in Berlin is on a mission to let everyone know and taste the real deal.

Ārpus: Latvia’s new wave

Girts Tihomirovs, co-founder of Ārpus Brewing in Latvia, talked with the Beer Idiots about the brewery's plans and the craft beer scene in Latvia. 

Bière a Lille: state of France

Nicolas Lescieux of  l’Échappée Bière, one of the organisers of the Bière a Lille (BAL), talks about the continued growth of craft beer in Lille and the rest of France.
Bier van Olier Bierfestival photo Frank Debels

FOMO? Back to Belgian Beer Festivals!

Paul Davies of AleHunters writes about the joys of being back in Belgium and going to the Bier van Olier Bierfestival in Sijsele.

Juguetes Perdidos: Argentina’s craft pioneers

Ricardo Aftyka, brewer and co-founder of Argentina's Juguetes Perdidos talks about how he, Rodrigo Lorán and Sergio Picciani founded the Buenos Aires brewery in 2014.

Beer Porn 2021 October

Here we salute label designers and other creative and idiotic endeavours with a selection of this month’s beer graphics.

Ukiel: part of Poland’s craft wave

Maciek Uszpolewicza and Lecha Gałaszewskiego founded Browar Ukiel in 2017 near Olsztyn, Poland. Beer Idiot Dieter Proost interviewed Uszpolewicza and brewer Kamil Tchorzewski in Warsaw during a recent trip there.