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Misery crowdfunds
Misery Beer Co. is crowdfunding to raise €15,000 to buy equipment for the brewery near Liège.
World Beer Awards: serving up the usual?
Micro-breweries dominated the top winners of the World Beer Awards, though there were enough mundane choices in the sub-categories to make beer lovers despair.
My big, fat brewery
Lorenzo Gamba quit his job and joined two other homebrewers in his area, to start Piggy Brewing in Liverdun, France to make some of the country's best beers. We love their big, fat stouts.
What is craft beer US style?
The US Brewers Association proposes to amend its definition of a craft brewer to include the use non traditional ingredients such as cannabinoids and other fermented products.
Bidding for St Bernardus 12
It's always great when spending on one of our favourite beers also ends up going to funding a good cause. True to the spirit...
Interview: Polish craft scene
Interview with Paweł Leszczyński, co-organiser of the Warsaw craft beer festival in Poland.
Beer Idiots barbecue
Thanks to all for coming to the first ever Beer Idiots barbecue on 24 March and for sharing so many great beers and food.
Fusion kitchen
Iacopo Lenci of Birrificio Brùton in Tuscany, Italy talks about innovation and brewing with wine must.
Beautiful idiots at Zythos 2019
With a record 587 Belgian beers on offer, the Zythos Beer Festival in Leuven is the largest showcase in the world for the made-in-Belgium brand. Here are pics of some of the 11,000 people who visited the festival over the two days of the 2019 edition.
Unpure brew
Pia Morgenroth of G’Bräu from Berlin makes a cold-fermented, lager-type gruit beer with wild herbs like alehoof, stinging nettle, yarn, and artemisia. Under the German Reinheitsgebot she can't call it beer.