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Circular beer from BBP

The brewer steps into the circular economy by brewing beer from unsold bread, and using waste malt to make bread grains.

Het Lindeke and Malt & Mout beer walk

A visit to 5 typical pubs in Brussels including Cheval Marin, Gist, and La Fleur en Papier Dore.

Ste Kat’ launch photos

The Brussels Beer project launches Ste Kat', the second version, at a 'Holy Apéritif' on 3 October in the church square, Sint-Katelijneplein.

Story of a serial beer maker

"The king of beer" is how a the Financial Times labels Mikkel Borg Bjergso.

Cruising with Belgians

Brewers from Belgium will be sloshing beer down a few landlubbers' necks this weekend aboard the Silja Galaxy, which leaves Stockholm 18 October 19.30...

Cantillon’s cabaret – have they reached for the bottom?

UPDATE: Jean Van Roy, a brewer and blender at Brasserie Cantillon, has since issued a statement about the Cabaret and the controversy surrounding it.

Holy war brewing

A holy war is brewing as drinkers are brandishing their crosiers at the Brussels Beer Project over Ste Kat'.

Back to the future as Flanders brewers revive a special beer tradition

Flying in the face of current drinking trends, seven Flanders brewers have successfully revived a traditional, once moribund beer style known as ‘spéciale belge’.

Photos: beer blessing 7 September 2019

The Knighthood of the Brewers’ Paddle paid tribute to Saint Arnould on 7 September 2018