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The valley of the shadow of beer

I walked through the Maalbeek valley with Malt & Mout listening to the story of the breweries that used to exist in the Ixelles area of Brussels.

Wondering about Wanderlust

Sébastien Morvan, co-founder of the Brussels Beer Project, talks about Wanderlust, what to do when the beer runs out too soon, and about the future plans for the festival in the podcast.

Ixelles walk

A walk through the Maalbeek valley in Ixelles, Brussels with Malt & Mout.

No cock in cockt-ale

I am a convert after drinking three cockt-ales mixed by Damien Baert. The shaking happened during Lindemans Lambic Tour.

The Bhoys from Edmonton

Doug Checknita of Blind Enthusiasm in Canada is remembered in Brussels as having worked at Cantillon in Brussels, but he is also known for his fandom of Royale Union Saint-Gilloise.

From Berlin with love

Vadim Kamkalov, owner, of Protokoll, Berlin, Germany talks about the craft scene in his city and how he has introduced a touch of Russian to the flavours he brings to his bar.

Wanderlust photos

Wanderlust was held this year at the Vismarkt, Marché aux Poissons, in Brussels on 14-15 September.

Straight from the source

Brewer Mathieu Huygens pours a fresh beer out of one of the 5 brewing vats behind the bar at their new brewpub. It's time for a beer straight from La Source.

Beer Porn: October 2019

Here we salute graphic designers and other creative and idiotic endeavors. This month we feature some of the winners from the World Beer Awards 2019 taste and design categories.

BBC radio – Belgium as the mothership of brewing

This is an old one, but a good radio show on the wonders of Belgian beer published on 4 Jun 2018. In it Dan Saladino...