O.B.E.R. (Objective Beer tasters Essen Region) organizes its Christmas Beer Festival every year. For two days visitors can taste about 200 Belgian Christmas and winter beers. To let you judge the different brews at best, we use 15 cl tasting glasses.
Our beer list is regarded as one of the best in the world, with several scoops and interesting gems combined with world classics. This year we’ll serve about 200 different bottled beers to taste, including 22 on draught. Hot served Gluhkriek will of course still be available as well.
At the 25th in 2019 festival about 2300 thirsty Christmas-beer-lovers came to the festival in Essen. And not only from Belgium! We have a very international audience coming from all over the world, counting 30 countries and several US States last time!
O.B.E.R. (Objective Beer tasters Essen Region) organizes its Christmas Beer Festival every year. For two days visitors can taste about 200 Belgian Christmas and winter beers. To let you judge the different brews at best, we use 15 cl tasting glasses.
Our beer list is regarded as one of the best in the world, with several scoops and interesting gems combined with world classics. This year we’ll serve about 200 different bottled beers to taste, including 22 on draught. Hot served Gluhkriek will of course still be available as well.
At the 25th in 2019 festival about 2300 thirsty Christmas-beer-lovers came to the festival in Essen. And not only from Belgium! We have a very international audience coming from all over the world, counting 30 countries and several US States last time!