Home About Beer Blech.Brut: Bamberg’s new wave

Blech.Brut: Bamberg’s new wave


Bastian Englschalk of Blech.Brut in Bamberg, Germany tells us about marketing strategies in lager town. Bletch.Brut was founded by Benedikt Steger in 2018. Steger gained his spurs breweries In Germany, London and Paris before founding Blech.Brut.

He works closely with Englschalk and Atelier Vrai, which was founded by Nico Döring in 2016 (then known as Atelier der Braukünste) before moving in 2017. They are both gypsy brewers but share their own canning line.

Photos: Swafff! 2022 was held at LaVallée in Brussels 11-12 June. The photos and video were taken on 11 June.

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